
Posts Tagged ‘HOUSE OF PRAISE’


House of Praise


Ever wonder what it might have been like to partake of the worship that was done in Solomon’s Temple? I believe we had a sample of that this past Sunday with the concert at House of Praise.

I must say up front that “House of Praise” is the perfect name for this church. It isn’t a large church if you judge by numbers by any stretch of the imagination, but with the Spirit of God that is in that church, you might wonder how the building could contain the whole. There is no doubt in my mind that the Spirit is free to come as oft as He will in this place. There is no doubt either that the members take Him with them where ever they may go. The start of the service, as if you haven’t guessed already was truly an inviting of the Holy Spirit; something we crave so in our concert ministry. Notice that the word “crave” not only refers to something we want, but something we can’t live without. We have been in places before where the Holy Spirit of Jehovah God was not welcome. It makes it very hard to do what we have been called to do. There were praise songs sung, of which I only knew one, but we enjoyed listening to the congregation praising the Holy Father with their voices. We also experienced a “prayer of praise” from one of the ladies of the church. We are so accustomed to praying for what we want, thanking God for His blessings He’s bestowed on us and that about sums up the prayer. This was a prayer of praise from the depths of her soul. Yes, she asked for protection, blessings, and gave thanks; but that was miniscule to the praise coming from within. Worshipping God for WHO He is, WHAT He is, and speaking forth that it doesn’t matter what may come against her, nothing will turn her aside. WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Would to God that we ALL could be in the same accord as she.

Now on with the concert. As I stated the congregation surely laid the ground work, plowed their fields; to receive what the Father wanted to give them. Not from the Flames of Love, but through the servants who are called “Flames of Love”. We are merely vessels and conduits who allow Him to work through us. Seems I can’t get passed the wonderment of the effect the congregation had on the service. Again I say WOW! You had to be there.

We did have a small crowd, but as you’ve probably heard Charles and I say before, the empty seats are filled with angels; so in our minds and hearts, we always sing to a packed house. 11:30 seems like a strange time to start a morning worship service, but this is due to the Sunday School time. They allow time for the workings of the Holy Spirit, they don’t program Him out. No “clock-eyed” christians here, as I’ve heard the more prominent groups speak of. We had the music set for about an hour of singing, leaving time for the speaking the Father may place in our mouths. Isn’t it wonderful when folks are NOT in a hurry to get out. I remember many years ago, our church may let out at about 12:30, but we all stood around and fellowshipped with each other afterward for at least another hour. Now we have to get home for various other activities that seem more important than being with the family of God.

Yes, we had a wonderful time. We not only ministered with our music, but were ministered to by their music and praise. We often forget that even the pastors of our churches need to be ministered to…need to refresh their spirits; refuel their tanks. Works GREAT when it comes just before you step up to the podium.

This was a wonderful beginning to this new direction of our ministry. WOW!!! We are expecting to get very busy, very soon, and we would love to see you out there on the trail.

‘Til more comes along, keep praying for Flames of Love that we would ever be in HIS will, not our own. Maxine.


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